You have just been sucked into the massive black hole that is Heaven Nose's malicious joy.
The only way to totally humiliate Trainwrecks was to become Trainwrecks. We must say you surprised us. Since all of you claimed over and over again that our writing sucked we thought you'd surely be on to us right away.
But strangely enough, all you trainwreckers suddenly seemed to love our writing enough to keep coming back. Our good friend Supersnark even congratulated us and was proud to "be the first to comment on the new site". Thanks for the link, SS!
It was delightful to see that sparkle of hope in your puppy eyes, only to piss on it and see that little flame fade away. Fizzle, fizzle, die.
Lestat aka The Schnoz and Goldilocks

"Fool you once, shame on me, fool you twice: you're pathetic."
Oh, you think you are soo smart. Well, you suck, you always did and you alwys will.
Ah, but you are so much more handsome than Tom Cruise.
I can hardly wait to see what other trails of shit those rats will follow.
hahahahaha These HN dudes are BRILLIANT. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
A lot of people are gonna be glad they were just lurking.
You guys belong in a looney house. What has TW done to you to react in this agressive manner???
And for your information: I knew it was a hoax all along. Your bad spelling gave it away.
Kate. That's sort of the point isn't it. You'll never know what it is that those supposed 'fun-loving' TW's did to raise such ire because they were so wonderful at managing their image. "Let's be bitchy, but occasionally let's draw the line so we look like the good guys. Let's also swear to never give out personal information." You'll never know how far things went, regardless of what they may espouse, because **NEWS FLASH** they don't want you to know.
Because HN is in Europe you think they just randomly selected the TW hags? Think again. TW is getting precisely what they deserve. No more. No less. Do not fool yourself into believing anything else just because you 'think' you know.
You don't.
And just because TW laughed at me lots of times and I didn't get it, doesn't mean I'm not smart, too!
"Someone kick the comment machine. It's stuck on Kate R."
sound fucking familiar lemmings?
Bait and switch you dull-witted plebs.
Misdirected? ha! I found this site through the link at your blog Supersnark. How spineless of you. Oh wait, I thought HN was the one that always revised stuff. Right.
Doesn't matter if some of us just lurked. I gotta give it to them, sorry. I feel like a fool.
Typical trainwreck shit. Spelling mistakes? It's a blog, not a literary review. Plus, HN has said they are European. Your comment just really shows how small your mind is Kate R.
Spelling mistakes don't ruin the hilarious content for me.
You people are crazy.
They know where you live supersnark! They got your ip!
Yeah, happy to leave my IP here. I'm a risk taker. My phone number's even in the book!!! Who cares?
Well, they're Americans too and it seems like they've ALREADY dismissed all of you. tsk, tsk. So sad.
when do the harrassing phone calls to my workplace start? I can't wait!
OMG, I'm gonna like dismiss the whole universe! Dismissed universe. Gee, I sound soo cool.
Supersnark said in the first post: "WOOHOO! You know, I only made one very teeny comment ever on the old TW site, but I'm so freakin' happy to be the first here just on principle!"
Sure, you 'deliberately' misdirected the link because you were so freakin' happy. And I checked and the link directs to the same site. You just can't comment on that one.
HN is probably impressed with the quality of the rebuttals here: "Loser", "your spelling sucks", "I deliberately misdirected the link", "I don't give a rat's ass", "Eurotrash". Classy.
"take it to either of our own sites?"
I find what supersnark just said incomprehensible. Do you mean you'd like for HN to come over to your own blog and engage in a silly debate with you?
To do that, they'd actually have to care about lil' ole you which they don't.
Don't you get it? Your just a pawn in their little game.
That word...I do not think it means what you think it means.
You people are a hilarious freakshow.
That's because "Lestat" is "Veronica" at www.onewoman.squarespace.com She lives in the DC/MD area.
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