I'm hoping some of our more delicate readers will start coming up with some enthralling new topics. How about a young, infertile femme fatale that claims she has her cunthooks in a Texas senator? A tri-state Guido who used to beat up gays that comes out of the closet?
As requested the new, cozy and recognizable template will be up soon to ensure that the old community will be as comfy as a boner in sweat pants. I will also be adding links in sidebars.
I'm also asking for people who are willing to administrate.
I have to stress the following fact though: this site is primarily for trainwreckers to regroup. Not necessarily to be a substitute for TW or to be the new site for trainwreckers all together. Some of you don't like the blogger format, so it's time we have a sit-down and discuss what exactly we're gonna do.
Did I say cunthooks and sit-down? Oh my. Deeply sorry for that, I am.
Hurray although I am torn between feeling horrified that the old site isn't around anymore and rejoicing for the resurrection it.
A lot of trainwreck fellows told me they are too intimated because of "recent events" to help administrate a new TW site. Can't really blame them. So respect to you, Lestat, for being one of the first to step up.
Yeah, we need desperately need (as Mr. Pickles would've said) "a real honest-to-God-can't-look-away-she's-coming-'round-the-bend trainwreck". And fast. Foam is coming out of my mouth, I am shivering. I know it's bad for me but I need it, for the love of God. I need my dose now.
Here are some of the old sites we used to discuss.
Julia (Here be Hippogriffs)
Thanks, Liz!
Ok, this is a bit of an old trainwreck, but something that I'm pretty sure wasn't covered previously.
It is long but, worth it. A farang (thai word for white foreigner) gal named Lyle who lives in Bangkok writes an article about "as a western, white woman" she is ignored, undervalued, and invisible. David at www.mangosauce.com writes about the article for his blog. His comments are pretty funny, but then the readers go wild and take it to a whole new level. It is a pretty fun ride.
Sorry the link got cut off. I'll try again.
"It's always a pleasure to read the cynical ramblings of a fellow Bangkok expat, but unless you've actually experienced the teaching professinon as a professional, and not as a TEFOL endowed sex tourist, then you can really see the difference between us. "
I liked what the Farang gall wrote but his readers seem to hate her unconditionally.
She seems to think that being an English teacher in Thailand is the equivalent of flippin' burgers in McDonalds in the States.
Her readers disagree though: "I think being an English teacher is better than being a wannabe webmaster that lives on google adword income. There are some good teachers here and to categorize all of them the same is typical uneducated mangosauce bullshit."
Do you people really think you should revive TW? The dragon has been slain. Live with it.
Joan, then why are you talking to the dragon?
For parody blogs nothing tops this awesome rockstar mummy blogger parody of this.
Veronica is having a mini-trainwreck of her own over in the ZeroBoss comments. Apparently, her fake suicide was "just a prank!" Jeez, guys, lighten up! She even has the audacity to suggest someone ups their dosage... pot, meet kettle. A fine candidate for the old "oh, honey" catagory.
For buffy and others who were looking for Guido sites:
A quick Google search turned up njguido.com. It's not a blog, but it has a "Writings" section (http://njguido.com/writings.htm) that has a whole crapload of Guido-related reading material.
I haven't actually read any of it yet, but it looks promising.
Also, just a warning that the main page has pictures of chicks in bikinis, for those of you working in ultra-Puritan offices.
thanks argy - njguido.com was actually what set off my desire for a guido blog. isn't that site just so delicious? they have a message board,, but they're fairly unintelligible.
Aw man, here I thought I finally found something new!
I took a look at the message board. There's a forum called "Oops I started too much drama" that looks promising.
You have to go to the dropdown menu mear the lower right corner and change "From 30 days" to "Show all".
I'm Bengali Chic from the blog you linked to. How did you find my site and the parody site. Just curious? I am suprised that anyone takes interest in my blog. Thanks!
Bengali Chick, I honestly don't remember, I'm sorry. You know how it is -- you follow a link, then another link, then another, and before you know it you've stumbled upon something fascinating and scary.
For the record, I think your parodist/stalker is a bit unhinged. Good lord, your blog isn't THAT bad.
so I headed over to the insult message board, and I like it - I think the format works well for what we're discussing. anyone else want to set up shop there?
That Veronica woman is a heaven noser. She used to have a link up to them and is obviously bonkers.
Thanks fundie:
this has all made me aware of trying to be anon as possible. I took out the 7 references to hubby's lawschool and I think I had 10 references in earlier posts to his name. I don't want anyone finding him at his firm and trying to eff with his career. At least I'm not naivete anymore!
Ooookay, TW begat TWRC
Fly from the night
Fly away little snarklings
Fly into the light
You are of course welcome!
Listen to them, the children of the night. What sweet music they make...
It would probably be an overreaction to call this Veronica a schizophrenic nutcase ...
Snarklings!! Best new word this week.
Ooooooh hey look--Veronica is resurrected!
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Не для кого не секрет, что экономика Украины в настоящее время находится в кризисе. Не смотря на это, есть специалисты, которые под ширмой государственных служащих работают против государства, которое доверило им занимать высокие должности, оплачивает достойную заработную плату, но …?!
Одним из таких деятелей, является БУСАРЕВ ВЯЧЕСЛАВ ВАЛЕНТИНОВИЧ - председатель налоговой службы АР Крым. Личность, которую можно поставить в пример многим политикам, ведь Вячеслав Бусарев получил старт в карьере государственного служащего когда у власти была Партия Регионов, однако, остался при должности и до настоящего времени, когда Партия Регионов находится в оппозиции, а все почему?! Все очень просто, В.Бусарев работает на свой карман, а не для бюджета Украины, «кормит» вышестоящее руководство ГНА Украины и остается «своим» при любой власти в стране. Перейду к конкретике, подтверждающей все выше изложенное.
Существует такое понятие «налоговая яма», это предприятие, которое создает затратную часть предприятий-контрагентов посредством предоставления им налогового кредита. Проще говоря, помогает предприятиям контрагентам завышать свои затраты, тем самым минимизируя уплату налогов в бюджет, а иногда при миллионных оборотах предприятий сводит уплату налогов в бюджет к нулю. Как Вы понимаете, деятельность таких предприятий должна быть незамедлительно пресечена налоговой службой, но, под непосредственным контролем В.Бусарева на территории АР Крым были созданы и помогали скрывать налоги предприятиям Крыма и некоторых регионов Украины следующие «налоговые ямы»:
ЧП «Зовик» (код 24504001);
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ЧП «Крым-Сервис-Сбыт» (код 36583447);
ЧП «Сбыт-Крым-Сервис» (код 36583384).
Почему то, при якобы тотальном контроле со стороны налоговой, указанные выше субъекты без проведения проверок перестают работать, а на их месте создаются в один день от трех до пяти подобных предприятий, при чем регистрируются в один день, на одних и тех же лиц, также в один день выдается свидетельство плательщика НДС, при отсутствии расчетных счетов в банках.
Все вышеуказанные предприятия «помогли» своим контрагентам скрыть от налогообложения сотни миллионов гривен, а это бюджетные деньги страны. Соответственно, за «спасибо», т.е. бесплатно, указанные предприятия не существовали бы. Поэтому предприимчивый В.Бусарев обложил данную деятельность «налогом в свой карман», а именно, ставка этого «налога» составила 0,8% от валового оборота деятельности каждого из указанных предприятий, а это в итоге миллионы гривен. Но, как Вы понимаете, без поддержки сверху, такая «деятельность» не существовала бы. Поэтому В.Бусарев должен отдавать некоторую часть денег заместителю ГНА Украины В.Кайзерману, который взамен, за это поддерживает В.Бусарева и ежемесячно либо снижает планы поступления налоговой Крыма в бюджет, либо при угрозе его невыполнения корректирует в сторону уменьшения.
На указанном примере работы В.Бусарева, становится понятно, каким образом налоговики становятся миллионерами.
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Наше предложение для Вас обезопасить квартиру или дом:металлические двери продажа и установка по приемлимой цене - железные двери которые привлекают передовыми технологиями и невысокой стоимостью, поэтому двери Форпост лучшее решение для защиты помещения от взлома. Входные металлические двери - самая популярная марка входных дверей. 8(495)231-89-26 http://www.power-doors.ru
People who are caught cheating on their spouses advance a number of reasons for their actions. Some even try to justify their actions and the results sometimes are unpalatable. You can save yourself a lot of these problems by being pro-active. As soon as you suspect a cheating partner, do not waste any time in taking necessary steps to put a stop to it. Performing a [URL=http://ezinearticles.com/?Do-Reverse-Phone-Lookups-Really-Work?&id=3514214]reverse phone lookup[/URL] is so simple; you do not even need to employ the services of a professional Internet Wizard to carry out the function. Once you are subscribed to a provider and you have the Cell Phone number you want to perform a check on, the only thing you are required to do is type in the number and prompt!, all the details about the owner of the number will be displayed. I have to confess that it could be difficult sometimes when you try to get the phone number of the person whom your partner has been talking to. You just have to be vigilant and ensure that you do not leave any room for suspicions. You have to patiently wait for the right time before you can get the phone number from your partner. Remember though, you partner or spouse knows the implication of what he or she is doing and will always be careful not to give you any room to start suspecting anything. When you do finally get the person's phone number, you must be sure to subscribe to only the best of the best [URL=http://the-reversephone.com/]reverse phone lookup[/URL] Company in order to get information that cannot be disputed be disputed either by your partner or the other person. I always advice you go for a paid Reverse Cell Phone Lookup company to do a good job for. WARNING; Are you a victim of Prank Calls or Is your Spouse cheating on you?, Ignore my advice at your peril. Take a bold step now!
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